A Judge in B.C ruled in favour of Telus Corp which was asking the court to stop Rogers from saying its canadas most reliable network.
Rogers wasnt asked however to pull all of its current ads with that slogan but from now on it seems they have lost that claim to fame.
How will this affect their company and their reputation?
What will their current Rogers customers think now?
What do you think Toronto?
Personally i find it kind of funny ,being a rogers customer myself I cant really say much on the matter but its probably a huge slap in the face to people who have switched from other companies ....
BAHAHAHAHAHAH ABOUT TIME!!!!i (stupidly) signed a contract with rogers 3 years ago...BIGGEST MISTAKE for anyone with a cell phone.they are nowhere NEAR reliable.for example:my building got cable boxes (rogers) for which our Condominium Corp pays the bills.individual units (apts)dont pay-meaning its basically free for us cause (like i said) our CC pays for it.. Rogers charged us a couple times for that.then theres internet use on the cell.i once got a bill that was something like $1200 for using the internet on my phone-WHICH I HAD CANCELLED THE PREVIOUS MONTH AFTER THE BILL CAME..yet a month later came the $1200 bill FOR A SERVICE I NO LONGER HAD!!!Rogers=FAIL...so the Rogers company will HOPEFULLY go BANKRUPT aka die