Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What a great start to the week after the loong weekend

So haven't really written much on this blog in a while since i started college at Centennial for Broadcasting and Film but thought I would get into it again ,
Had a pretty interesting morning after the long weekend , was in my 1st class of the day when at about 11:20 am approx . we were all told to by our Prof to "get out" the whole school was beign evacuated for the day due to an investigation as we were told by police. I heard a few students outside saying it was a bomb threat ,later on after searching the internet I found that was infact the case .Its really ironic that this happens less than a month after the incident at ashtonbee campus with the huge evacuation that took place. I dont think the incident today was as bad as it was last month but its still pretty scary. 800 of us were all told to leave the building and told not to come back untill tommorow. I havent had to deal with bomb threats since I was in elementary school and we had approx 3 threats happen where we had to evacuate in less than a year. One of the evacuations took place the day after 9/11. This made the news already today so Im assuming we will hear more about it later on today and probably tommorow. I have to admit it was pretty freaky getting on the #25 bus to go Pape Stn when 5 fire trucks come screaming down the road and heading for the school and one of the cafe staff who got on the bus was screaming on the bus" theres a bomb in the school!!" . Hope Police and Investigators can get to the bottom of it and find the one responsible for this , if it was a sick joke thats just sad.. anyways it was not the way me and my fellow students wanted to start our week after the long weekend...

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